Prop Setup Script
Markus Hammarstedt
Script that gives you a nice parented prop setup on any existing referenced rig that allows you to animate a prop in world space while also being able to animate the hand prop separately if desired (e.g hand on a sword).
Just run the script in python script editor or feel free to create a shelf button, optional shelf icon is provided.
Use instructions:
- Select arm controller
- Select prop controller
- Run script
- Three controllers with be created, use the big yellow named "PROP ANIM" to animate the overall setup. The other two green ones are for offsetting as desired.
- Optionally, you can constrain the entire group named "PROPSETUP_PARENT" to the character controller you want it to follow.
Happy animating!
Feedback and change requests welcome as always!
Prop setup script and icon files
5.8 KB
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